Atrial Fibrillation

  1. 1. Abuse / Contributing factor that is a metabolic stressor when used moderately
  2. 4. Sleep Apnea / Periods of absent breathing when sleeping which increases risk of AFib
  3. 5. / Chronic lung disease
  4. 6. Heart Surgery / Invasive cardiac procedure
  5. 9. / Results in an increased in metabolism
  6. 10. / Born with structural abnormalities
  7. 11. Embolism / Clot in the lungs
  8. 12. / Substances that increase metabolism
  9. 14. / A lack of insulin which can result in inflammation in the heart
  1. 2. / High blood pressure that causes pressure and remodeling of heart muscle
  2. 3. Artery Disease / Narrowing of cardiac vessels resulting in decreased oxygenation of tissues
  3. 7. / Inflammation in the cardiac sac
  4. 8. Heart Disease / Valvular damage as a result of untreated strep throat
  5. 13. / Condition where fatty deposits are deposited around the heart tissue