Attachment - key terms

  1. 2. Bond between people that endures over time
  2. 4. Emphasises role of learning in behaviour
  3. 7. designed to elicit response e.g. smile
  4. 10. Type A, explore don't seek proximity, little stranger/separation anxiety, little effort when return 20%-25%
  5. 12. Period after babies born (6 months) attachment system active
  6. 14. One primary attachment more important
  7. 16. person infant spends most time with
  8. 17. mental representation of Childs first attachment
  9. 18. Observation-tests attachment security
  10. 22. time imprinting can occur
  11. 23. Type C, seek greater proximity, large separation/stranger anxiety, resist comport when return 3%
  1. 1. not suitable care from maternal figure
  2. 3. norm difs that exist between diff groups
  3. 5. Response elicits response
  4. 6. two or more, diff cg's fulfil diff needs
  5. 8. Provides survival advantage
  6. 9. Type B, explore, safe base, moderate separation anxiety 60%-75%
  7. 11. UCS, UCR, NS etc.
  8. 13. Whom infant is most attached to
  9. 15. Learning from consequences
  10. 19. follow + attach to first moving object (small)
  11. 20. reflect emotions + actions
  12. 21. Main male caregiver