attack on Pearl Harbour

  1. 4. As a result of Pearl Harbour ..... entered WW2
  2. 5. 'A date which will live in ..."
  3. 7. Japanese destroyed nearly 20 American naval
  4. 9. There were over 2,000 American ....
  5. 10. country which attacked Pearl Harbour
  6. 12. The US ... were the primary target of the attack
  7. 13. Japan wanted to create one of these by conquering new territory
  8. 15. Japanese ..... escalated into the signing of United States Executive Order 9066
  9. 16. In July 1941, all Japanese ..... in the United States were frozen
  10. 19. Pearl Harbor took place in this U.S. state
  11. 20. the U.S.S. ..... was capsized in the attack
  1. 1. Franklin D ..... was president at the time of Pearl Harbour
  2. 2. The day after the assault, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked .... to declare war on Japan
  3. 3. The bombing was carried out by 353 of these
  4. 6. ..... of war: formal act by which one nation goes to war against another
  5. 8. Pearl Harbor was this type of base
  6. 11. Three days later, Japanese .... Germany and Italy also declared war on the United States
  7. 14. The sunken USS Arizona battleship is now a ...
  8. 17. The USA placed an .... on Japan in 1940 in an effort to halt its military expansion
  9. 18. Attack led US into World War