attention and perception

  1. 2. principle that is unpredictable or unfamiliar
  2. 3. process of attending to certain sensory stimuli
  3. 4. processing which is driven by prior knowledge and expectations, moving from general knowledge to specific stimulus information
  4. 7. type of attention that allows us to process incoming information in necessary detail
  5. 9. process of regrouping selected features of sensory stimuli in order for them to be cohesively arranged
  6. 10. process of understanding and assigning meaning to sensory information in order to understand it
  7. 11. principle that is personally meaningful and important
  1. 1. type of attention that requires an individual to filter out external stimuli
  2. 5. type of attention that allows us to understand and respond to multiple aspects of our world at one time
  3. 6. the perception which is the ability to taste, or becoming consciously aware of flavor
  4. 8. processing which is determined by incoming sensory information moving from specific stimulus information to general information