Attitude and Tone

  1. 3. cutting remarks; stinging rebuke; scorn
  2. 6. self important; excessive self esteem
  3. 9. fanciful; capricious; unpredictable
  4. 10. respect; admiration
  5. 11. sympathetic; showing pity
  6. 13. conveying a warning
  7. 14. pretending to have virtues or feelings one lacks
  8. 15. self-justifying; constantly protecting oneself from criticism
  9. 18. scorn; contempt; arrogance
  10. 20. tongue in cheek; sarcastic; contrary to what was expected
  1. 1. hopefulness; cheerful confidence
  2. 2. abrupt; curt to the point of rudeness
  3. 4. unbiased; objective; unemotional; calm
  4. 5. of two minds; unable to decide
  5. 7. disbelieving; doubtful; unconvinced
  6. 8. sensible; showing good judgement; prudent; wise
  7. 12. reluctant; unwilling
  8. 16. frivolously disrespectful; lacking proper seriousness
  9. 17. stale; overused
  10. 19. standoffish; remote in attitude