Auf wiediezen WWI-WWII

  1. 5. jews can't --- non-jews
  2. 6. against a certain group(jews)
  3. 7. to be against jews
  4. 9. The "triple Entente" is a --- ---
  5. 10. --- declares war on Russia
  6. 11. 19 --- in WWI
  7. 12. was used during wars
  8. 13. Germany --- millions
  9. 16. German laws that only affected jews
  10. 17. When your nationalism you can be ---
  11. 19. Upcoming king of Austria
  1. 1. --- watched abuse happen and not act
  2. 2. Was used for building weapons in G
  3. 3. Germany must not --- --- ---
  4. 4. To think your country is the best
  5. 8. was held in France
  6. 12. Help made the rocket
  7. 14. What Germans named the Star of David
  8. 15. Factories, automation
  9. 18. 20 --- in WWI