August 2020 Newsletter Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. A form of social engineering where an attacker tries to convince a victim to give up valuable information or access to a service or system.
  2. 7. A cyber hacker poses as another person when apprehended for breaking the law.
  3. 9. A cyber criminal uses another person's identity to obtain credit, goods and services.
  4. 10. A type of identity theft where a theft uses a person’s name, address, and social security number to file a fraudulent tax return.
  1. 1. This activity involves rummaging through trash for personal information.
  2. 2. A technique used by an individual to discreetly watch or listen to others providing valuable personal information.
  3. 3. A type of identity theft when a hacker assumes another person's identity to obtain prescriptions.
  4. 5. A type of identity theft where a hacker poses as another person when apprehended for a crime.
  5. 6. A cyber criminal uses another person's information to assume his or her identity in daily life.
  6. 8. A minor’s identity is used for an impostor’s personal gain.