August Birthday Bash

  1. 2. chaotic law
  2. 6. HCIC (head cat in charge)
  3. 7. frequent trips
  4. 8. transportation and baseball
  5. 9. ___ to Georgia
  6. 11. August zodiac, early
  7. 12. Baseball bat diameter
  8. 14. "excuse me" in midwest
  9. 15. stinky Cleveland Festival
  10. 16. techy billionaire
  1. 1. August zodiac, late
  2. 3. chief executive
  3. 4. VapoRub
  4. 5. monkey diet
  5. 9. Death of a Salesman, author
  6. 10. Princess of Arendelle
  7. 13. Join together i.e. heat
  8. 15. avian stomach