August Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. We love to eat ______ when there's a show at the Mine Stage.
  2. 7. What’s our famous dessert?
  3. 11. What rest period is 30min?
  4. 13. What Park is the friendliest place in the West?
  5. 15. What's one out of two things we need before we head out into our areas?
  6. 17. Who sets you up and explains to you your boundaries for your area?
  7. 18. What is the acronym for the Daily Activities Plan?
  8. 19. _____ is a part of all our jobs.
  9. 20. What’s something we put on the left side of our uniform?
  10. 21. How many Supervisors does Park Services have?
  1. 1. What's something kids always have a sweet tooth for?
  2. 3. What's one out of two things we need before we head out into our areas?
  3. 4. Who is our Park Services Manager?
  4. 5. We should always have our ______ ready because it's part of our uniform.
  5. 6. What’s something you should do when working daily especially on hot days?
  6. 8. What is Park Services known for?
  7. 9. What season is August in?
  8. 10. We provide great _______ for our guests?
  9. 12. What is the main chemical we use?
  10. 14. If a guest has a question and you don't have the answer to it who can you call?
  11. 15. What rest period is 15min?
  12. 16. What's the sister park nearest to Knotts Berry Farm?