Australia and its Neighbours

  1. 3. The main religion practiced in Bangladesh
  2. 5. Has the worlds largest population
  3. 6. An island under Chinese rule
  4. 8. This country starts with 'M' and ends in 'A'
  5. 9. Previously known as Burma
  6. 10. The Currency of Thailand
  7. 11. Sits to the south of India
  8. 14. The home of the Kokoda track which was made famous during WW2
  9. 17. This island is part of Indonesia and is very popular with Australian tourists
  10. 18. Has a dragon on its flag
  11. 19. The native language of Nepal
  12. 20. The 'S' is silent
  13. 22. Home of the Singapore noodles
  1. 1. One of the 3 capitals of Tadzhikstan
  2. 2. The capital of Vietnam
  3. 4. Sits between Afghanistan and India
  4. 7. The Khmer Rouge carried out genocide in this country
  5. 12. This country is the largest landlocked country in the world
  6. 13. Has a rising sun symbolised on its flag
  7. 14. This country is made up of over 7000 islands
  8. 15. This capital has two y's and two g's in the name
  9. 16. The 2000 Summer Olympic games were held in this country
  10. 21. The Capital of South Korea