Australian Bushfires

  1. 1. Most fires in Australia are caused by _________.
  2. 4. Anything that will burn is called a _____________ material.
  3. 6. In northern Australia there fire season occurs during this season.
  4. 7. One way to protect your home is to clear ________ that surrounds your property.
  5. 11. Sometimes farmers and government agencies can accidentally lose control of an ____________ __________ which can cause large bushfires.
  6. 12. One common way people start fires is when they start ___________.
  7. 13. When burning twigs, bark or leaves are blown and ignite another area this is called an _______ _______.
  8. 14. A common natural cause of fire is ______________.
  9. 15. A period when a country experiences long periods of high temperature and little rain is called a ___________.
  1. 2. The fire season for Perth is mainly during this season.
  2. 3. One important way you can stop your house from igniting during an ember attack is to _______ ________.
  3. 4. Danger periods when there is a greater likelihood of bushfire is called ________ __________.
  4. 5. The heat from a fire that is that hot that it will ignite materials is called_________ ________.
  5. 8. Some fires can be so large they can even be seen from __________.
  6. 9. Due to Australia's climate becoming a lot drier,___________ now has replaced wetlands and forests.
  7. 10. The force that provides oxygen to increase the strength of a fire is ________.