Australia's Natural Wonders

  1. 3. What is the aboriginal name for Ayer's Rock?
  2. 4. These huge black and orange striped sandstone domes are situated in the far north of WA. They were formed over the last 20 million years by erosion and river movements and were kept a secret by locals until 1982.
  3. 7. These naturally rounded and oval boulders in the Northern Territory are believed by some aborigines to be the eggs of the rainbow serpent. (two words)
  4. 9. It is rarely full but when it is, it is the largest lake in Australia. It’s also the lowest point in Australia (15m below sea level). It is Lake ..?
  5. 12. These natural limestone stacks rise out of the water near the Great Ocean Road in Victoria. (two words)
  6. 14. Off the coast of SA this place has an abundance of wildlife including koalas, echidnas and seals. It is Kangaroo __________ .
  7. 15. These eerie-looking limestone pillars are located in the Nambung National Park, 250km north of Perth.
  8. 16. This 280km coral reef is 1 200km north of Perth. It is well known for viewings of the whale shark, the world’s largest fish species.
  9. 18. Although long-known to the aborigines these were 'discovered' in the 1820s by Charles Throsby. They are Fitzroy _ _ _ _ _.
  1. 1. These 340 million year old NSW caves are the world's oldest open cave system. What is the name of these caves?
  2. 2. This NT National Park has some ‘monster’ crocodiles.
  3. 5. Australia’s most famous coral reef. (three word)
  4. 6. Their names are Meehni, Wimlah and Gunnedoo.They are the …? (two words)
  5. 8. This vast area of flat, almost treeless, arid or semiarid country is just north of the Great Australian Bight. It is the __________ Plain.
  6. 10. The oils given off from eucalyptus forests in the Jamison Valley, NSW, give these their name. (two words)
  7. 11. At 2 2228m the highest mountain on the Australian mainland is _ _ Kosciuszko. (abbreviation)
  8. 13. Known to the aborigines as Kata Tjuta (meaning ‘many heads’)) they are about 30km from Uluru and are made up of 36 rounded domes, with the tallest being 200m higher than Uluru. They are The …?
  9. 17. The Blue _ _ _ _ at Mt Gambia, South Australia, is in the crater of an extinct volcano.