
  1. 5. Drink made from apples
  2. 7. The holiday that occurs at the end of November
  3. 10. Another word for All Hallows Eve
  4. 11. They made the famous 1620 voyage aboard the ship Mayflower and founded Plymouth Colony
  5. 13. A large fire to burn leaves
  6. 14. When crops and fruits are gathered and leaves fall
  7. 15. These scare birds away from a field where crops are growing
  8. 17. _____ friday
  1. 1. They fall from trees
  2. 2. Woody scent
  3. 3. Land planted with fruit trees
  4. 4. Small red acid berry
  5. 6. Nocturnal birds of prey
  6. 8. The fruit of an oak tree
  7. 9. Flowerless plants with feathery or leafy fronds
  8. 12. A syrup made from the xylem sap of this kind of tree
  9. 16. Synonyms for this word include brisk, crunchy, brittle, crumbly, friable, breakable