
  1. 2. what a squirrel gathers
  2. 7. Decorative squash
  3. 8. Used to keep birds off crops
  4. 10. They're roasted on open fire
  5. 12. The gathering of crops
  6. 13. The ninth month of the year
  7. 14. Honeycrisp
  8. 15. A bit cold
  9. 17. They fall from trees
  1. 1. Another word for the fall season
  2. 3. Tool used to clean up leaves
  3. 4. October 31st
  4. 5. The 11th month of the year
  5. 6. Popular autumn sport
  6. 9. Used to make a jack-o-lantern
  7. 11. Semi-frozen rain
  8. 15. Drink made from apples
  9. 16. Halloween decoration made by a spider