
  1. 1. The time when farmers gather their crops like corn and apples.
  2. 3. Colorful, falling tree parts that cover the ground in autumn.
  3. 7. A sweet, juicy fruit that's perfect for pies and snacks in fall.
  4. 9. A big, orange vegetable often carved into jack-o'-lanterns.
  5. 12. Maze A fun puzzle made from tall cornstalks that you can explore.
  6. 13. A warm, cozy piece of clothing to keep you snug in cooler weather.
  7. 14. A big, outdoor fire where friends gather to stay warm and roast marshmallows.
  8. 15. A tasty, apple-flavored drink that's popular in the fall.
  1. 2. A tool used to gather fallen leaves into piles for jumping in.
  2. 4. A friendly figure made to keep birds away from the fields.
  3. 5. A fun holiday when people dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating.
  4. 6. Small, round nuts that fall from oak trees and are food for animals.
  5. 8. A delicious bird often eaten at Thanksgiving dinners in autumn.
  6. 10. A fun ride on a wagon filled with hay, often in pumpkin patches.
  7. 11. Colorful, falling tree parts that cover the ground in autumn.