
  1. 2. Getting the car ready for winter
  2. 5. If you're not working in the house, you're in the..
  3. 8. The 1st of November is ____ Saints Day.
  4. 9. You don't need this in the summer, but in the fall
  5. 10. A typical warm meal which warms you up quickly
  1. 1. To keep your feet warm in the fall/winter....
  2. 3. This makes roads and sidewalks in fall/winter dangerous
  3. 4. In the house we turn this on in the fall for warmth
  4. 5. You need these for your hands in chilly weather
  5. 6. Collecting leaves in garden you use a ______.
  6. 7. A pleasant atmosphere at home with hot tea and a book