Autumn breezes

  1. 2. the thing Milo needs to do to finish dinner and get a chocolate almond
  2. 4. moms employer
  3. 7. small creature fond of Cheerios sometimes found in our backyard
  4. 8. task mama loves to complete in minecraft
  5. 9. special treat requested for Lunches, the nest have chocolate chips.
  6. 11. Swedish owner of a horse and a monkey named me Nilsson.
  7. 12. what Milo will be if esme doesn’t stop pulling out his hair
  8. 15. singing duo who popularized such YouTube hits as “don’t mine at night”
  9. 16. white stone dad likes to use in Minecraft
  10. 18. four legged bandits who steal from bird feeders
  11. 20. special mixture of liquids created in Milos lab
  1. 1. lego construction requiring five bags to complete
  2. 3. ball game played by Hera and Posiedan and enjoyed by the hoom.
  3. 5. one of several winged creatures living in Milos stomach
  4. 6. small creature fond of carrots sometimes found in our backyard
  5. 10. thoughtfully designed attempt to test whether an idea is true or not
  6. 13. delicious meal it sometimes takes Milo until bedtime to finish
  7. 14. leader of the ninjago ninjas
  8. 17. something done with gold to a milky
  9. 19. utensil for which spares are needed to accommodate dinner art efforts