Autumn Fun

  1. 3. Pie filling
  2. 6. Gobble it up
  3. 7. Morning blanket
  4. 8. Thanksgiving veg
  5. 12. Watches the fields
  6. 14. In full bloom
  7. 15. Find your way through
  8. 19. The go-to seasoning
  9. 20. Drink it warm or cold
  1. 1. Add to the bed
  2. 2. Instead of t-shirts
  3. 4. Venture to view landscape
  4. 5. Horn of plenty
  5. 9. Reaping what was sown
  6. 10. Orchard activity
  7. 11. Falling from oaks
  8. 13. Jump in
  9. 16. Outdoor cleanup
  10. 17. Going bare
  11. 18. Ornamental squash