
  1. 3. in the middle of; surrounded by
  2. 4. high up
  3. 7. agreeing together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal
  4. 9. often
  5. 10. close friend
  6. 12. gatherer of grain after the reapers or regular gatherers
  7. 14. of the highest pitch or range, as a voice part, voice, singer, or instrument
  8. 15. a storehouse or repository for grain
  9. 16. covered with moss
  10. 17. carried
  1. 1. a small, natural stream of fresh water
  2. 2. getting old
  3. 5. to produce a clear, shrill, sharp musical sound by passing air
  4. 6. to feel or express grief and sorrow
  5. 8. over full
  6. 11. pleasantly soft or smooth (especially of sound, taste, and colour)
  7. 13. insects/bugs