
  1. 2. First white sine of winter.
  2. 4. Month which start autumn.
  3. 5. It is growning under the trees.
  4. 6. It's rainnig cats and ... .
  5. 8. Big prickly nut
  6. 11. Waterproof shoe.
  7. 12. Colour of autumn.
  8. 14. Important thing of student.
  1. 1. ... Polish autumn.
  2. 2. Season between autumn
  3. 3. Season after autumn
  4. 4. Orange small wild animal.
  5. 7. Students don;t like this place.
  6. 9. Man or Woman who are teaching students.
  7. 10. People like to trink this when wheather is awful.
  8. 13. It is growning on the trees.