Ava Hurd

  1. 4. Tech what collage do I want to go to?
  2. 5. to robotics what is my second semester elective
  3. 8. what is my favorite food?
  4. 10. what is my favorite animal?
  5. 12. what is my overall math grade
  6. 13. what is my favorite colur?
  7. 14. what is my overall english grade?
  8. 15. am I in drama?
  1. 1. movies what is my favorite series of movies?
  2. 2. widow who is my favorite marvel character?
  3. 3. engineer what do I want to be when I grow up?
  4. 6. what is my overall science grade?
  5. 7. what is my favorite candy?
  6. 9. what an I most afraid of?
  7. 11. who is/are my best friend from my old school?