AVB - 31 Cars

  1. 2. buttons that perform various functions
  2. 3. rubber blades used to clean the windscreen
  3. 5. something to show you if you need to add fuel to your car
  4. 7. a piece of metal with letters and numbers to identify the car
  5. 13. lights at the front of the car
  6. 15. a stick used to change gear
  7. 16. the space in the rear of the car where you can put things
  8. 17. a lever used to stop the car moving
  9. 18. a circular object that is fitted on the wheel
  10. 19. a body part that is the first contact point in an accident
  1. 1. the system used to turn the car
  2. 3. a body part to be found at each corner of the car
  3. 4. a dial to tell you how fast you are travelling
  4. 6. a piece of glass at the front of the car
  5. 8. a frame that fits on top of the car
  6. 9. a pedal that makes the car go faster
  7. 10. a pedal that you press to change gear
  8. 11. a system that allows you to show others you are turning
  9. 12. a part that makes a loud noise
  10. 14. a disc that covers the wheel nuts
  11. 19. a pedal that makes the car slow down
  12. 20. a special piece of glass that you can see a reflection in