Avengers Breakout

  1. 1. Letter used to represent an unknown amount
  2. 3. Underground body of water
  3. 6. a prefix meaning in favor of
  4. 7. Two numbers the same distance from 0
  5. 9. People have power to make their own decisions by voting
  6. 11. Any characteristic or trait that helps an organism survive
  7. 12. Distance around the outside of a circle
  8. 13. meaning of prefix "ir"
  9. 14. Compares two unlike things using the words like or as
  1. 2. Not living or never living
  2. 4. Unnecessary repetition of a word
  3. 5. Parts of the experiment you keep the same in order for a fair test
  4. 8. Word that describes a verb. Tells HOW the verb was performed.
  5. 10. a suffix indicating a female