Avengers - Styx and Stones...

  1. 4. Who won the game last night!!!!
  2. 9. Member of Original Solar Power Line who is getting married this winter
  3. 10. secret agent member of the original AGS line
  4. 12. Who prefers Mary Ann over Ginger
  5. 13. Place in standings if we played 5 games
  6. 14. What time do we play next week
  7. 16. Team that stole the final rose last winter season
  1. 1. This season's Bachelorette (sorry George, but have to pay homage to The Flash. (Flash - this is the real test if people really read your emails)
  2. 2. How much does a post game pitcher cost at the Rinx Bar
  3. 3. Member of Original Solar power line who only played 3 games last winter
  4. 5. Who do we play next week
  5. 6. How many fingers in a Hawkeye salute
  6. 7. Where do we play next week
  7. 8. Hercules girlfriend
  8. 11. Who scored the first goal last night
  9. 15. What night is the Bachelorette on? Hint: This is not the reason we play on Thursday over this day.