Avengers superheros

  1. 2. carol danvers
  2. 6. red, white, and blue
  3. 8. god of mischief
  4. 11. daughter of ego
  5. 12. just a kid from queens
  6. 14. green stone
  7. 16. yellow stone
  8. 17. red stone
  9. 20. archery
  10. 22. "______ smash"
  11. 23. doctor Stephan
  12. 25. god of thunder
  1. 1. natalie rushman
  2. 3. "he could be as small as a ant and as tall as a building
  3. 4. a king
  4. 5. genius playboy billionaire philanthropist
  5. 7. purple stone
  6. 9. metal arm
  7. 10. "i am _____"
  8. 13. orange stone
  9. 15. blue stone
  10. 18. son of ego
  11. 19. "on your left"
  12. 21. 1 half of 2
  13. 24. a "rodent"