Avian humanoids

  1. 3. His brother Zetes are sons of the North Wind Boreas
  2. 5. Often depicted as winged in art
  3. 8. Acient Egyptian sun God often depicted with a falcons head
  4. 9. Was depicted as winged in ancient Greek art(mythology)
  5. 10. The God from ancient Egyptian mythology human with a head of a falcon
  6. 11. Beautiful, winged women from Persian folklore
  7. 13. Magical creatures in J.K. Rowling Harry Potter series appears as a beautiful woman, but turn into frightening bird-like creature when angered
  8. 14. Chinese thunder God, depicted as a bird man
  9. 16. The God from ancient Egyptian mythology human with a head of a Ibis
  10. 17. Is often depicted as winged
  1. 1. Bird-women with storm winds known for terrorizing mortals
  2. 2. Very famous for her birdlike wings
  3. 4. Bird-man from Abenaki mythology
  4. 6. Marvel comics, cold blooded humanoid of avian descent. Feathers crests atop their heads in like of hair
  5. 7. Zoroastrianism
  6. 12. Phillippine mythology depicted as a humanoid with bird wings and a break
  7. 15. From Russian mythology