Pima Air Museum Basics

  1. 4. The force created by an aircraft's engines allowing forward motion.
  2. 6. All planes, cars, motorcycles, etc, have some kind of an ______.
  3. 9. The Sikorsky UH-60 is also known as the ________.
  4. 10. A _______ engine that only works at speeds of mach 6 and faster.
  5. 11. The original method of propulsion for planes.
  6. 12. The first ever helicopter used in combat.
  7. 13. The ______________ was the largest bomber in WW2
  8. 15. The U.S’s most used bomber in WW2.
  1. 1. The largest non government-funded air and space museum in the world.
  2. 2. The Sr-71 ________ was created by Skunkworks.
  3. 3. ________ creates many highly classified aircraft.
  4. 5. Similar to a jet engine but uses internal combustion.
  5. 7. The United States space program.
  6. 8. Turbines, scramjets, propellers are all means of ________.
  7. 14. A type of engine that is used in many modern planes.