AVID College Puzzle

  1. 5. Before you earn this you must be a bachelor.
  2. 7. Rather than at home, you'll sleep here.
  3. 10. One of the college placement tests needed after high school.
  4. 11. Want to be a doctor or a lawyer then you'll need this type of degree.
  5. 14. The unit that credits are measured in.
  6. 15. The bigger the school the more likely it is to be called this.
  1. 1. The type of degree one gets from a community college.
  2. 2. It's smaller, cheaper and closer to home than bigger colleges.
  3. 3. Less than a whole course of study but more than a few classes.
  4. 4. before you get any money, you must fill out one of these.
  5. 6. The units students must accumulate to graduate.
  6. 8. The type of degree one gets from a 4-year college or university.
  7. 9. Your main focus of study.
  8. 12. This money you'll never have to give back.
  9. 13. You may borrow this and pay back with interest.