Avi Karmacharyas Crossword

  1. 3. Where was the 2d Continental congress held.(state)
  2. 8. When a group of angry farmers(shays' Rebellion) revolted against the government of Massachusetts, who was there to stop them?
  3. 9. Declaring ___ is was a power exclusively held by the national government, under the articles of confederation.
  4. 12. When did the constitution go into effect.
  5. 13. The United states had no ability to ___.
  6. 15. The second continental congress was made up of representatives from the 13 ________.
  7. 16. The Articles of Confederation were "______".
  8. 17. How many votes (out of 13 states) did it take for bills to become laws.
  9. 18. The Americans knew they could not beat with British without a ______ _____.
  10. 20. The states started taxing goods and even had their own ________.
  1. 1. The continental congress chose a __________ from each state for the committee.
  2. 2. A new country was established by the _________ __ __________ on August 2, 1776 after the American Revolutionary war.
  3. 4. What was America's first constitution.
  4. 5. One of the powers congress had was signing ______ with other nations.
  5. 6. The army was disbanded because ________ could not tax the states so they had no money.
  6. 7. The ___________ ____ is where a new constitution was written.
  7. 10. _________ ________ hated three things, congress the world and himself.
  8. 11. The time from when the united states became independent and the constitution went into effect was a ________ year gap.
  9. 14. In article 1 of the articles of confederation it states "This ____________ shall be the USA".
  10. 19. What month was Declaration of independence adopted.