Ayrion Parks JAPAN

  1. 3. Has a trunk
  2. 5. was founded by a japanese ledgend maintains japan was founded in 600 bc by the emperor. The orgins of jjapan as a nation are lost in pre history which was reativly recent for japan. Japan population is 127.7 million its a lot of people there.the capital of japan is tokyo. Japan is a soverign island east aisa.located in the pacific ocean it lies off the eastren coast of the asian mainland. Japan gets earthquakes. However people for right now dont now when japan was founded . Most famous stars and chinisse movie stars are from japan . If u see japan in real life you might have to have money every where you go because they have great clothing and arts. The world war 2 was in japan and world war 1 was in china so there are some good history on japan. There diffrent money in japan compared to the u.s. we have regular money there way diffrent. World war 2
  3. 6. Man's best friend
  1. 1. Flying mammal
  2. 2. Large marsupial
  3. 4. Likes to chase mice