Aztec warriors, tenochtitlan, and religion

  1. 3. one of the things that were often built for warship and ceremonies.
  2. 6. these Aztec warriors were the most deadly of them all.
  3. 7. there are 20 different symbols around this.
  4. 11. often used to stun enemies.
  5. 13. long range weapon that can launch s----s long distances.
  6. 15. this person became Aztec emperor in 1502.
  7. 17. very powerful and had great responsibility.
  8. 18. these were believed to be entrances to the underworlds.
  9. 20. a sword with many o-----on blades.
  10. 21. nobeles called ________ led warriors into battle.
  1. 1. used for s---r heads and sword blades.
  2. 2. there were the main places of warship and at the center of Aztec cities.
  3. 4. this god was thought to rule over the universe.
  4. 5. to warship many gods.
  5. 8. an Aztec god.
  6. 9. an alternative to sacrifice.
  7. 10. an important part of Aztec religion.
  8. 12. most common weapon in battle.
  9. 14. means "the place of the prickly pear cactus."
  10. 16. a type of merchant who sold goods throughout the empire.
  11. 19. this was made of wood and was sometimes decorated with feathers and gold.
  12. 22. this thick cotton armour was worn to protect Aztec warriors from enemy weapons.