
  1. 3. A many-headed monster, killed by Hercules
  2. 5. Creature with head and wings of an eagle and body, hind legs and tail of a lion
  3. 7. a winged female monster with a woman's head and a lion's body; kills anyone unable to answer its riddle
  4. 8. A white, winged horse
  5. 10. A giant with a single eye in the forehead
  6. 12. A creature with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man; dwelt in the center of the labyrinth
  7. 13. The serpent biting its own tail
  8. 15. Three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades
  9. 16. Creatures with the top half of a woman, wings, and talons of a bird
  10. 17. A Child eating monster; had an affair with Zeus
  1. 1. snake-haired sisters who turn the beholder to stone
  2. 2. Strongest monster with a tremendous voice
  3. 4. a hundred-eyed monster of Greek mythology, killed by Hermes
  4. 6. A bird that rises from its ashes
  5. 9. Creatures with the top half of a man, bottom half of a goat
  6. 10. A three-headed monster; one of lion, one of a snake, one of a goat
  7. 11. A serpent living at the Delphic oracle, killed by Apollo
  8. 14. a nymph changed into a monster by Circe