- 1. opposite of front
- 2. connects two roads over water
- 4. color of your eyes
- 5. green vegetable
- 6. an infant
- 8. a monarch is a type of one
- 11. used to sweep a floor
- 12. color of your hair
- 13. has sand and water
- 14. the morning meal
- 17. use to clean your teeth
- 18. flying mammal
- 19. color of ophirs hair
- 20. young man
- 1. fireplaces are made of this
- 2. two wheeled vehicle
- 3. what you like to eat with a hamburger
- 4. citation of references
- 6. not small
- 7. can make this with gum
- 8. jump up and down
- 9. take this out from the library
- 10. unlimited food
- 11. vehicle in water
- 13. the secret word i can say only today
- 15. today is Emas
- 16. something to drink from
- 20. color of an olympics medal