B2 summary

  1. 3. the substrate that fits into the amylase active site
  2. 4. the term for disease that can not be spread, cancer and diabetes for example
  3. 6. an organ that makes enzymes for the small intestine and it also makes insulin
  4. 8. the variable that is changed in an experiment
  5. 10. an increase in a risk factor causes an increase in the incidence of the disease
  6. 12. cancerous tumours that can spread when cells break off and travel in the blood, invading other tissues
  7. 13. the enzyme that digests lipids
  8. 15. a condition that can increase the risk of Type II diabetes, CHD, high blood pressure, Arthritis,
  9. 16. A illness caused by uncontrolled cell division that leads to a tumour developing
  10. 18. where gas exchange occurs in humans
  11. 19. the acid made in the stomach
  1. 1. a link between a risk factor and a disease, for example smoking increases the risk of cancer, but does not always cause it
  2. 2. the process by which gases move
  3. 5. factors that increase the risk of cancer
  4. 7. the region on the enzyme where the substrate attaches as they have a complimentary relationship
  5. 9. produced by the liver to help emulsify lipids and to neutralise stomach acid
  6. 11. one of the products of lipids digestion
  7. 12. the term to describe changes in the DNA that may lead to cancer
  8. 14. cell fragments that cause blood to clot
  9. 15. the 'best' pH and temperature for enzymes
  10. 17. the gas that enters the blood in the lungs