B7 Non Communicable Diseases

  1. 2. A toxic compound found in tobacco smoke.
  2. 4. The body organ that alcohol affects the most.
  3. 6. Biggest risk factor of type 2 diabetes.
  4. 7. A disease which cannot be passed from person to person.
  5. 9. The type of radiation which damages cells and chromosomes.
  6. 10. Harmless drug found in tobacco smoke.
  1. 1. A Cancer causing agent.
  2. 3. The treatment when cancer cells are destroyed by targeted doses of radiation.
  3. 5. tumors which can grow abnormal cells in one place, usually within a membrane.
  4. 8. Something found in the trachea and bronchi to move mucus, bacteria and dirt away from the lungs.
  5. 11. Hormone which regulates blood sugar levels.