BA 200 Vocabulary - Weeks 11 & 12

  1. 2. A prescriptive linguist believes the past tense of dive is ___.
  2. 3. Another word for "shaky"
  3. 8. What does "i.e." stand for in Latin?
  4. 10. What's another word for incredulous?
  5. 14. An ultracrepidarian is someone who doesn't know what he is talking ___.
  6. 16. This kind of approach to a problem will overcome most obstacles.
  7. 17. What's another word for affinity?
  8. 18. After a poor decision, you don't want to see your name here.
  9. 21. "Caveat emptor" asks you to do this.
  10. 24. "Jumbo shrimp" and "clearly confused" are examples of this.
  11. 25. Where Mr. Foo was born.
  12. 26. A descriptive linguist believes the past tense of sneak is ___.
  13. 27. A principle to live by
  1. 1. Another word for deft
  2. 4. Another word for ubiquitous
  3. 5. If you become complacent you become this... to your detriment.
  4. 6. The woman who invited Mr. & Mrs. K to China in 2004.
  5. 7. The arrival of Thanksgiving Day is this.
  6. 9. I didn't like my first boss. He was capricious or ___.
  7. 11. Monthly loan payments comprise this as well as interest
  8. 12. A pragmatic solution is this kind of solution.
  9. 13. Industry specific language or vocabulary
  10. 15. Another word for serendipitous.
  11. 19. If you say false things about someone, your comments could be considered ___.
  12. 20. A nice way of saying something offensive
  13. 22. The problem with an insidious problem is this. It's ___. You don't see it coming.
  14. 23. The kind of watch Mr. K brags about too often.