
  1. 3. became absolutely cosmopolitan after moving to New York City.
  2. 6. desire for cheesecake has been scattered & unpredictable lately.
  3. 8. subdued Bayern Muchin during the club world soccer final!
  4. 11. material was able to be shaped or bent.
  5. 13. have been suitable to your needs.
  6. 16. is required that I obey my parents if I want to live a long life and have success.
  7. 17. fake reputation precedes him.
  8. 20. vocabulary is unvarying and dull.
  9. 21. or tear irregularly
  10. 22. dwelling place is incapable of being transgressed or dishonored !!
  11. 24. agreement happened simultaneously
  12. 25. am easily irritated or annoyed when my brother touches my bird.
  13. 28. boy showed an inappropriate lack of seriousness when speaking to his mother.
  14. 32. I had unlimited power, I'd turn into a millionaire.
  15. 33. room is saturated with legos.
  16. 34. bakery is close to my house.
  17. 35. little brother has an intelligence achieved far ahead of normal development.
  18. 36. is at the head or forefront of defending Israel.
  19. 39. is an obvious attempt to disobey God.
  20. 40. United's exhausting effort
  21. 41. mom is unwavering when it comes to going to bed at 10pm!
  22. 44. commandments are NOT insignificant.
  23. 46. Chapulin has many & varied responsibilities as a super-hero.
  24. 47. had a weird experience last night.
  25. 48. have been motivated by impulse rather than by logic or reason.
  26. 49. was firm in her belief of JESUS CHRIST!
  27. 50. pope acted without Biblical-principles.
  28. 51. expressed the same message in different words.
  1. 1. economy has had a new birth.
  2. 2. asked Donald Trump "What's up?" he gave me this twisted response "The sky!"
  3. 4. pet Kill-a-monster, is showing a brooding ill humor.
  4. 5. is very skilled at playing stratego.
  5. 7. has been concerned with practical matters rather than speculation.
  6. 9. all frankness I ate the whole cake!
  7. 10. neighbor's beliefs are that we came from monkeys.
  8. 12. white house is large and roomy!
  9. 14. apparent victory was blatantly stolen.
  10. 15. a game of stratego, does not give you good reason to destroy the pieces.
  11. 18. wise father used sound judgement, when he purchased food for a year in preparation for the ostensible famine.
  12. 19. marks the beginning of my new attitude.
  13. 23. Ferreti became remote in manner after loosing the Club World Cup.
  14. 26. Pantera Rosa, wandered from a direct or straight course.
  15. 27. fell asleep during the debate because the technical terminology/vocabulary used by congress, was boring.
  16. 29. quick reply to a question or remark
  17. 30. left a gift of personal property to me.
  18. 31. assumption that no one saw him was erroneous.
  19. 37. old man was argumentative and difficult to get along with because he hadn't had his coffee !!
  20. 38. won them the championship.
  21. 42. brother gave away my all my toys based on his individual preference.
  22. 43. was tenacious & unwilling to accept the defeat to Bayern Muchin!
  23. 45. was pleasant in manner and appearance.