Babbler April 22 2024

  1. 1. Some call Little Solace in the Black Shroud their home!
  2. 3. A conjurer who can always be found speaking southwest of the New Gridanian Aetheryte Plaza!
  3. 4. A woodwind bard instrument with a double-reed mouthpiece!
  4. 6. All Monks begin as these!
  5. 9. Paladin, renders you impervious to most attacks!
  6. 11. Armor for the shins!
  7. 12. A woodwind bard instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece!
  8. 13. A standard against which something may be compared!
  9. 15. A large hawk-like bird, native to the Central Shroud!
  10. 16. A job that often unleashes its inner beast!
  1. 2. Revealing the plot and ruining the surprise!
  2. 5. Build one on an empty plot!
  3. 7. A job type that keeps the focus on them! Hypothetically!
  4. 8. A bard band with four members!
  5. 10. Native to Doma!
  6. 14. An established tradition; a guide listing criteria for grading!