Babbler February 12 2024

  1. 3. The sound an explosion makes?
  2. 5. A popular seafaring activity during this season's Moogle Treasure Trove!
  3. 6. A round dish that might hold food!
  4. 8. A cake in a pan?
  5. 12. A conversation between two people
  6. 13. We might be heading there soon...
  7. 16. Addition time!
  8. 17. Mashed?
  9. 18. An attitude or point of view
  10. 19. Above average height
  1. 1. Throw!
  2. 2. Lvl. 54 Bard
  3. 4. A person who fishes!
  4. 7. Someone who makes maps!
  5. 9. The Floating City of ___
  6. 10. South Shroud settlement; Next stop, Palace of the Dead!
  7. 11. Very.
  8. 14. Viera native to the Skatay Range!
  9. 15. Adventures, minus the ads