Babbler February 26 2024

  1. 1. Someone who fishes!
  2. 4. Not a Highlander.
  3. 6. A favorite of club venues; buy a ticket and enter one!
  4. 9. A four-person band!
  5. 11. Lvl. 18. Speedy casting!
  6. 13. A chocobo's favorite food!
  7. 14. Manderville Gold Saucer Point
  8. 15. We all have one, hopefully! Important for good stories!
  9. 16. To shape something into a curve (or master the elements?)
  1. 2. Fizzy! A type of water!
  2. 3. When your hair goes through your collar!
  3. 4. A list of drinks and other items available at a venue!
  4. 5. A loud call. Likely an advertisement?
  5. 7. Those who look to the stars to peer into the future. Or heal!
  6. 8. A man who waits tables at a cafe or restaurant!
  7. 10. Holds your Aether Compass and Mogpendium!
  8. 12. An icon or representation; a deity!