Babbler July 24 2023

  1. 2. The only port in Hingashi with docks open to foreign vessels!
  2. 3. Something Viera don't usually have; the name of The Babbler's comic!
  3. 5. A popular dance, a bird that sings
  4. 6. Their home is in The Churning Mists!
  5. 7. A massive raised portion of earth!
  6. 9. Evening glory; Ipomoea alba!
  7. 12. Peacegarden is here!
  8. 15. Swirling air or water, like a tornado!
  9. 16. A feeling or sense of knowing the immediate future
  1. 1. A four-dimensional object; to the cube what the cube is to the square!
  2. 4. The state between waking and sleeping
  3. 5. Another word for sleep!
  4. 8. A way to describe something that's hard to explain, and often strange!
  5. 10. Top element on the wheel, umbral!
  6. 11. Traditional Japanese lanterns!
  7. 13. Standard Step, Technical Step
  8. 14. First Astral Moon