Babbler July 3 2023

  1. 5. Carry some with you and your chocobo will fight by your side!
  2. 6. An enchanment often used to make clothes look like other clothes!
  3. 8. They're certainly not extinct in Eorzea!
  4. 11. Use this to fish!
  5. 12. To pretend to be a character or a different person
  6. 13. To break free
  7. 14. You can get here through the South Shroud's Lower Paths!
  8. 15. Once used by Seedseers as a place for spiritual reflection; located in the Central Shroud!
  9. 17. A type of event or environment that makes you feel involved and engaged, especially if it has a theme
  10. 18. The daughter of a monarch!
  1. 1. The Spinner; 2nd Umbral Moon
  2. 2. A lumber used for carpenter recipes around level 78!
  3. 3. You'll find Heaven On High and a big volcano here!
  4. 4. Where Gold Saucer patrons go to play Mahjong!
  5. 7. Use this spell to go home, or to the start of a dungeon
  6. 9. Having a bit too much enthusiam for a cause!
  7. 10. They have four legs and a nose, usually!
  8. 16. A Moogle's favorite word?