Babe Ruth

  1. 4. Country Ruth traveled to in order to popularize baseball
  2. 5. Nickname, besides Babe
  3. 8. School attended by Ruth
  4. 9. Babe’s favorite thing to do in baseball
  5. 11. The job Ruth wanted in retirement
  6. 12. Babe and Helen’s farm in Boston
  7. 13. Ruth’s first wife
  8. 14. Left-handed baseball player born in Baltimore
  9. 16. Ruth pointed to center field then hit to center field
  10. 20. Also known as the “House that Ruth Built”
  11. 21. Light hit, just touches bat
  12. 23. Team that Ruth coached for one year
  13. 24. First team Ruth player for
  14. 25. Team finishes season in first place
  15. 27. Second team Ruth played for
  16. 29. Other player in the greatest slugging duo in history
  1. 1. Team Ruth retired from
  2. 2. Ruth’s mother
  3. 3. Ruth’s Second Wife
  4. 6. A rawhide ball with red stitches
  5. 7. Ruth’s third professional team
  6. 9. a hit that enables the batter to run to all bases and score
  7. 10. Batters try to make contact and get base hits
  8. 15. Annual championship games in the MLB
  9. 17. Mentored Ruth at St. Mary’s
  10. 18. Babe Ruth’s real first name
  11. 19. Age when Ruth played his last game
  12. 22. Pitcher’s Place
  13. 26. Babe Ruth’s jersey number
  14. 28. Major League pitcher that discovered Ruth