
  1. 2. Baby's room
  2. 3. Protective cloth worn by babies to catch spills
  3. 5. Symbolic event to celebrate an upcoming baby
  4. 7. Soft song to help baby sleep
  5. 9. Noisy baby toy
  6. 10. Baby's first bed
  7. 11. Soothing tool for babies
  8. 13. Another word for pacifier
  9. 14. What babies wear to stay dry
  10. 15. How babies move before walking
  1. 1. Something for babies to chew on
  2. 3. What babies get to stay clean
  3. 4. Hanging toy above a crib
  4. 5. Container for feeding babies
  5. 6. Something to keep a baby warm
  6. 8. What a caregiver does for parents
  7. 12. To hold a baby close with love