
  1. 3. Garden State Commuter Stop
  2. 7. 16+7=23
  3. 9. Billionaire’s subservient
  4. 11. Howling canine, self-appointed doppelgänger
  5. 14. Hush-hush establishment behind which L held lookout for R
  6. 15. First of many fruity vacation gadgets
  7. 17. On the aux post-dive
  8. 18. Our first was a little awks
  9. 20. What R did not do in October (2022)
  1. 1. Kayak lady’s distinguishing feature
  2. 2. A bloody mess of a friend
  3. 4. Model responsible for mechanic and mental breakdowns
  4. 5. R’s answer to life’s problems
  5. 6. Catchphrase made of four conjunctions
  6. 8. Length of a memorable sound
  7. 9. Egg, fruit, yoghurt and bread at the Hilton
  8. 10. Pedagogical receptacle for early childhood defecation
  9. 12. First-meeting bathroom activity
  10. 13. Latte flavour and blondie song
  11. 16. First name of saint in the Catholic Church, was once our saviour
  12. 19. What L did not have on the bus to Man