  1. 3. - Baby garment to keep clothes clean from milk.
  2. 5. - Baby soother to feel better.
  3. 8. - Baby development with time.
  4. 9. - Baby sound when happy.
  5. 11. - Baby love to drink from it.
  6. 12. - Baby cover to stay warm.
  7. 14. - Baby expression when happy.
  1. 1. - Baby embrace when want to feel safe.
  2. 2. - Baby changeable wear below.
  3. 4. - Bed where baby sleeps.
  4. 6. - Another word for baby.
  5. 7. - Toy babies like to play with.
  6. 8. - Baby chuckle when feeling glad.
  7. 10. - Baby movement on floor.
  8. 13. - Size of a baby.