
  1. 2. you are a ____
  2. 4. i’m ___
  3. 6. our future doggo
  4. 11. the first ever gig that made me laugh-cry
  5. 12. our favourite hospital
  6. 13. ____ of a ____ of a ____
  7. 14. how we sleep at night
  8. 15. the first thing we cooked together
  9. 17. y(our) first concert
  1. 1. our first cafe date
  2. 3. our first “overseas” trip
  3. 5. #blessed by _____
  4. 6. when things get tough…
  5. 7. our ~fun time~ signal
  6. 8. the real reason why josh fell into the chair…
  7. 9. mandatory post-rounds treat
  8. 10. grandpa ____
  9. 15. thank you
  10. 16. where we had our first kiss