
  1. 2. how to clean baby
  2. 3. an unborn baby
  3. 4. a type of rash that often affects babies
  4. 9. a part which allows the transfer of oxygen and nutrients between unborn baby and mother
  5. 11. the child’s sister
  6. 12. what babies do right after birth
  1. 1. what piece of bone in the leg are babies born without (it starts off as cartilage and later develops into bone)
  2. 3. an alternative for breastmilk
  3. 5. which sense is developed first in a baby
  4. 6. the first colour babies can see
  5. 7. the month the baby is due
  6. 8. baby’s bed
  7. 10. what is a diaper called in Australia and the UK