
  1. 2. our old favorite restaurant
  2. 5. most important fruits
  3. 7. a man's body, to some people
  4. 8. be sure to take yours in case we fight. don't take mine!
  5. 10. amphibian footwear, or something we made
  6. 12. This was invented in California, which is the only place we seem to have ever played it.
  7. 14. life is described as this by one of the great poet philosophers of our time
  8. 16. baby tripped out to this movie
  9. 18. (see 17-down)
  10. 19. we got to walk one of these
  11. 22. luxembourg sucks without it
  12. 23. amenity at chez heidi
  13. 24. the best kind of music
  14. 25. popular slovak export. well with us anyway
  15. 26. femme fatale in 7-down. matching eyebrows!
  1. 1. stupid name of the protagonist of the first book i gave you
  2. 3. le tire-bouchon
  3. 4. key ingredient in brownies
  4. 6. baby cried when she saw one of these all alone in a documentary
  5. 7. Film noir starring 15-down and 26-across. Might as well be every movie you watch though.
  6. 9. when baby has these, they never stop!
  7. 11. baby's favorite place at my work
  8. 13. left all alone, what happened to him?
  9. 15. hero of 7-down, you used to wear trenchcoats like him
  10. 17. (with 18-across) they're all the rage in istanbul
  11. 20. you have his hands
  12. 21. Confucius was said to eat it with every meal, though he probably didn't drink it in shots.