  1. 1. To break something suddenly with a sharp noise
  2. 2. To take or hold something with your hand suddenly
  3. 4. To shine with a pale clear light
  4. 7. To hold something tightly in your hand
  5. 8. To make a stupid mistake
  6. 10. A feeling of being cold
  7. 11. To damage something by pulling it apart
  8. 13. To send out air
  9. 15. Very bad
  1. 1. A feeling of waiting to hurt
  2. 3. Any small insect
  3. 5. Disagree with something
  4. 6. A large number of people gathered together in public place
  5. 9. Trust that something will do what has been promised
  6. 12. Making you feel embarrassed
  7. 14. To make a continuous low sound